Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Gravity Never Rest

One of my favorite mentors Vern Gambetta has a saying: Gravity never rest.

What does he mean by this? When training someone, the effect of gravity should always be considered. Every movement that we make is effected by it. All athletes are constantly trying to overcome the effects of it.

My focus lately has been on the effect gravity has on our posture. Posture should be the foundation that all training is based on. Just as a house needs a strong foundation, so do our bodies.

It doesn't help much if our posture is great while training but poor the rest of the time. The muscles responsible for posture will continue giving into gravity if we don't constantly focus on how we are standing or sitting. If your shoulders are rounded for the eight hours you spend at you desk, how can you expect a couple of minutes worth of exercises to make much of a difference?

I drop my daughter off at a YMCA Day Camp every morning. We happen to walk past the fitness center. It is amazing looking at the postures that the members use while on the equipment. One day I saw a younger guy leaning so for forward on the elliptical that his shoulders were a couple of feet in front of his hips. What are the odds that he will suffer from back pain?

The next time you are out in public, look at the posture of the adults around you. Think about how gravity is effecting them. I don't know about you , but when I am in my seventies, I want to still be standing up straight. Of course how I counter gravity for the next 25 years will determine how I carry myself then. (Chin Up, Shoulders Back and Down, Chest Out)

I wonder how many people look that far ahead? and have a plan to move like they should.

The next time you are sitting at your desk, driving your car or walking down the street, think about how gravity is effecting your posture. IT NEVER REST!


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