Saturday, June 28, 2008

Are your bones strong enough? Calcium isn't the answer!

With our aging population, we are going to see a rapid increase in Osteoporosis and all of its side effects . As a long distance Bicyclist, I am more concerned about this topic than the average trainer. Why? As a non weight barring exercise, bicycling weakens bones.

What have we be told to do about it?

Ask anyone what they should do to get stronger bones and the standard response is take Calcium. Those in the know will also mention Vitamin D. Have you been taught everything you should know about Osteoporosis? I doubt it.

While I am a big believer in Vitamin D, there is much more needed to strengthen bones. Notice: I didn't mention bone density. What good is a dense bone if it isn't strong? IMO not much. If your bones are strong enough to handle strength training, they should be able to handle any activity of daily living that you ask of them.

While doing research on Osteoporosis, I found a web site that does a wonderful job of explaining Osteoporosis. Dr. Susan E. Brown has also written a book, "Better bones, Better Body" that I lend to any of my clients that express an interest in this topic.

What is the purpose of your skeletal system? Sure it helps us move, and keep us upright. What else does it do? Store minerals. To find out more, go to

I can't recommend enough.

Remember, it is your body, how do you want it to perform as you get older?

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