Wednesday, November 19, 2014

How Integrated are the Pieces of Your Fitness Puzzle? Part 1

Integration:  an act or instance of combining into an integral whole. 
 According to

How complete is your fitness puzzle?

What does this have to do with being fit? Imagine fitness as having many different pieces like a puzzle. How they are put together determines what you end up with.

This article from Breaking Muscle got me thinking about this. 

What determines how Fit you are?

  - Strength, Flexibility, Mobility, Agility

  - Cardiovascular Conditioning

  - Diet

My definition of Fitness is having the ability to physically perform whatever it is that you want to perform.  The fitter you are, the less effort it takes to perform 
whatever it is you want to perform.  

IMO, the most important thing lacking in most fitness programs is integration.
How you put the different components together to be fit.

He looks fit. Why does he have Kinesio Tape on his knees?
Mike couldn't keep up.
Lance might not survive this.
I hate it when someone suggest a certain athlete is the world fittest. While they might be the best at whatever activity they are performing, there are other athletes that are much better at other activities. 
I remember the example of Lance Armstrong vs Mike Tyson. While Mike would have had trouble climbing mountains of a bike with Lance, Lance wouldn't last but a few seconds in the boxing ring with Mike. Did this make either one any less fit? Of course not.
One example of fitness

For the average non-competitive person another definition of a integrated exercise program could be a well rounded program. You don't want to focus on only training for strength or flexibility or mobility at the expense of another component of fitness. You want to be a generalist instead of a specialist. Good at a variety of physical activities instead of great at one. 

To put that last sentence another way: When working out, work on all the components of fitness instead of just Cardio or Strength or Flexibility. I know of many cyclist that just want to ride their  bikes for fitness. Is this better than not working out? You bet it is. 
Fit cardiovascular systems, what about their bones?

Only cycling for fitness can cause other issues. Examples, weakening of bones and all non-cycling muscles. (Have you ever seen the upper bodies of most professional road cyclist?) There is not much muscle on their upper bodies. 

Integration is important in other areas as well. When and how should you use foam rolling? How does your warm up prepare you for what follows? How do you use periodization when designed a strength training program? How can integration help recover from an injury after finishing Physical Therapy?

In part 2 I will go into more detail about these concepts.

Reserved: What determines how Fit you are?
  - Strength, Flexibility, Mobility
  - Cardiovascular Conditioning
  - Diet

Reserved: What determines how Fit you are?
  - Strength, Flexibility, Mobility
  - Cardiovascular Conditioning
  - Diet


Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Earning the Brains & Balance Past 60 Certificate Part 4: Making Connctions: Challenging the Older Brain

This is part 4 of the 4 parts covering the Exercise Etc seminar I attended on Saturday, October 18, 2014

Articles like this are why I train older clients the way I do.

New York times article: A tiny stumble- a-life-upended. 

The first topic Guy covered in this session was Understanding Cognition:

What other things besides mental stimulation and exercise effect cognition?

     *  Nutrition
     *  Hydration
     *  Medication
     *  Alcohol
     *  Companionship
     *  Depression

Just like mental stimulation and exercise we have control over most of these things. Depression can be a whole other issue. It can be effected by everything else on this list.

According to the Centers of Disease Control the following statistics cover Cognitive Disorders:

        INCIDENCE:                                                      CAUSES:
   *  Alzheimer's                                                         *  Alzheimer's
      -  Over the age 65:    13%                                        -  Family History
      -  Over the age 85:    45%                                        -  Lack of mental stimulation

  *  Vascular Dementia                                                *  Vascular Dementia
      -  Over the age 71:      5%                                          -  Poor Blood Flow
      -  Over the age 90:    38%                                          -  Stroke

  *  Depression                                                             * Depression
      -  Community based:  1%                                         - Isolation
      -  Nursing home:       15%                                        -  Hopelessness
Consider what stands out about these statistics:

     - As seniors age the chances of developing Alzheimer's increases 346% in twenty years and   
       Vascular Dementia increases 760% in 19 years.

     - Being part of a socially active community instead of a nursing home decreases your chances of 
       developing depression from 15% to 1%.  It pays to have friends when you get older.

 What are the leading causes of being 
admitted to a Nursing Home?

     -    Neurological
           *  Dementia

     -    Cardiovascular
           * Congestive Heart Failure
     -    Musculoskeletal
          *  Osteoporosis
          *  Osteoarthritis

According to the Wall Street Journal, February, 2014, the medical cost of treating dementia exceed the cost of Heart Disease and Cancer combined.

What role does the Medical Community play in Intervention? 

       *  The Primary Care Physician must be an active participant in the effort to maintain cognition.  

       *  Every individual (or their caregivers) should request a medication review with the following questions:
           -  Are they all necessary?
           -  Can Dosages be reduced?
           -  What are there interactions of the drugs being taken?
           -  Are there vitamin/mineral deficiencies?

10 Drugs that May Impair a Persons Memory 
AARP: May 2013                  
          *  Stain Drugs                                                              *  Anti-Anxiety Meds
          *  Blood Pressure Meds                                               *  Parkinsons Drugs
          *  Anti-Depressants                                                      * Incontinence Meds
          *  Anti-Seizure Meds                                                   *  Sleeping Aids
          *  Narcotic Pain Relievers                                            * Antihistamines

According to the Centers for Disease Control (2012) 
the average American 65 year-old is on 4 prescription meds. 
The average 85 year-old is on 14. 

What role does Hydration play in 
keeping your cognitive functions?    

   -  Dehydration can mimic the symptoms of dementia. If you become too dehydrated your blood 
      pressure can become so low that not enough blood and oxygen gets to your brain

Some excellent sources of vitamins

What Vitamin Deficiencies are 
Associated with Impaired Brain Function?

    -  B - 12 and Folate 

I wonder what effect Spirulina and Cholrella might have on retaining memory?

What Supplements play a role in 
keeping Cognitive Functions.

      *  Lactulose
          -  This laxative also removes ammonia which is considered a Neurotoxin from the body.

      *  Lysine - ask you Dr. about it
          - Some research suggest the it slows the progression of Alzheimer's, some research suggest it
            accelerates the progression.

      * CoQ10 - ask your Dr. about it.
         -  Research is interesting yet inconclusive regarding it's effect of cognition.

I added:
      *  Coconut Oil
        - It is an excellent source of Medium Chain Fatty Acids which might help feed the brain.

       *  Vitamin D
           Dr. Mercola article talking about the role of Vitamin D levels and Dementia

Alcohol, Ammonia and Cognition 

      *   Ammonia is a known neurotoxin that shows down processing speed and affects language,
           memory, problem solving and reasoning abilities. 

      *  Risk factors for Elevated Ammonia Levels:

          -  Alcohol use: Guy stated that they (I wish I knew who) consider drinking 2 servings of
              alcohol per day as Heavy Drinking.  This equates to 2 cans or bottles of beer or 8 ounces 
              of wine.  

          -  Smoking
          -  Aging Livers and Kidneys.

          -  Use of Barbiturates, Diuretics, and Narcotics, especially when combined with Alcohol.


 Sugar Intake and Cognition:

       *  1 tsp of sugar = 4 grams
       *  Seniors with the highest sugar consumption are almost twice as likely to develop cognitive
           impairment. - Mayo Clinic, 2014
       *  Although the brain runs on sugar, too much sugar increases insulin resistance, which deprives
           the brain of glucose.

Sodium and Cognition:

     *   Salt RDA = 2400 mg per day
     *  Avoid foods high in sodium because they can:
         - Cause dehydration which affects cognition  
     *  Seniors with the highest salt intake also are more likely to suffer cognitive impairment. -
         University of Toronto, 2014

IMO, we should not compare processed Table Salt with Unprocessed Sea Salt. 

Although I don't drink coffee, I love chocolate. I wonder what effect chocolate consumption has on memory?
Caffeine and Cognition:

     *  A 2014 study found that older women who consumed around 370mg of caffeine per day
         (around 2 cups) had maintained a higher cognitive level than women who did not.
     *  Caffeine from Tea or Soft Drinks DID NOT have the same effect.

How to Train the Brain:

      - (most of us have seen their commercials on TV.
      -  Crossword Puzzles, Sudoku, Jigsaw Puzzles. etc.
      -  Reading, Conversations which make you think and remember details.
      -  Scrabble, Bridge and other Card Games which require strategy.
      -  Brain Teasers, Riddles
      -  Painting a Picture, Writing a Poem.
      -  Making a list
      -  Writing in a Blog (I added this one)

100, 97, 94, 91........
Integrating Brains & Balance Drills:
Multitasking Drills

       *  Walk Forwards, Laterally or Backwards while:
           -  Counting Backwards from 100: by 2's, 3's, 5's 7's or any other numbers
           -  Answer questions such as State Capitals, Birds, Types of Pets, etc. Think of any type of list.

       *  Tracking Drills.
           - Step Side to Side while pretending to draw various shape using your hand, switch hands, etc.

This concludes my Blog Post on the 
Brains & Balance Past 60 Seminar. I hope you enjoyed reading them and learned some things as I did by I attending it.