Tuesday, May 27, 2014

How do you physically prepare for retirement? Part 8: How I begin building my clients Lower Body Strength. Part B. Stationary Split Squats

Split Squats and Lunges help you to do this.


What you will find is we will use some of the same exercises for improving posture, mobility and strength. The difference is how the exercises are performed. 
Why do I begin with posture and mobility before strength? I want my clients to maximize the gains, while minimizing the risks they will make from the complex movements I use to make them stronger. The results will be much better if they can stabilize what I want stable and move with control what I want mobile.

WHEN WORKING ON ANY OF THESE EXERCISES, NEVER FORCE YOUR BODY INTO A POSITION. The focus should always be on how you are controlling the muscles and joints and the movements they are making. The pace of each movement should be slow. Perform from 5 to 10 reps of each. The goal is to get the muscles turned on as opposed to tiring them out. If you feel fatigue in the muscle when you are done, you have done too many.
What exercises you perform are important. How you perform them is more important.

Before attempting any of the following exercises, be sure to get the approval of your Physician. Especially if you have ever had ANY JOINT OR BACK PAIN or INJURY.  If you aren’t sure how to perform any of these exercises, have someone show you that knows how to teach you.

After my clients have learned their posture, mobility and balance exercises we begin focusing more on strength.  They still use the posture, mobility and balance exercises as their warm up.

Lower Body Strength: Part B: 

Lower body strengthening exercises should only be done once or twice per week since it is harder for legs to recover than upper bodies since the legs are used every day for weight bearing.

Stationary Split Squats: 

I love teaching clients how to perform Split Squats because they are even more challenging than squats. They require more hip mobility, balance and strength.

A few of the things I have them focus on:
Pushing through the front heel.
Focusing on lowering and raising the hips.
Keeping a tall torso.

Much like squats, if Stationary Split Squats are too difficult I let the clients learn how to use their arms until they don’t need their arms to help.

Stationary Split Squats with assistance from the arms:

I have the client stand next to a counter top or sturdy chair. They place the foot farthest from the counter top or chair in front and the foot closest in back. This keeps torso rotation to a minimum. 

I have them drop their hips towards the floor using their legs to control as much of the movement as possible. They are allowed to use the hand as much as necessary until enough leg strength is built. I have them take from 3 – 10 seconds to descend. If they need to they can rest between each repetition before lower the hips again. The goal is to build up to 12 – 15 repetitions. They get up using the hands to help as little as necessary.

Once they can perform 12 – 15 reps during 2 consecutive workouts, it is time to begin relying less on the hands and more on the legs.

Split Squats without assistance from the arms:

I have them drop their hips towards the floor using their legs to control as much of the movement as possible. I have them take from 3 – 10 seconds to descend. They pause at the bottom.  If they need to they can rest between each repetition before lower the hips again. The goal is to build up to 12 – 15 repetitions. 

Once they have mastered this we move onto holding the bottom position.
They lower their hips like they have been except this time they hold the bottom position for longer periods of time. (5 – 10 seconds each) They might have to rest between each rep, but the goal is to build their strength so they can perform from 10 – 15 reps continuously.


Once I feel confident the client has enough strength and coordination, I might have them move from split squats to various types of lunges. 


Step Ups without extra resistance.

Other exercises I love to teach are Split Squats with the rear foot elevated (also known as Bulgarian Squats) and Step Ups. Step Ups are a great way to increase a clients confidence around steps.  

My favorite Lower Body strengthening exercise. You get a huge improvement in hip mobility and stability while building strength and balance at the same time.


This is the last post dealing with the basic movements I use to build my clients strength. This is the foundation which all their training is based on. As they progress different versions of the exercises can be added depending on what will benefit the client. If they need it, do it. If they don't need it, don't do it. 

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