Monday, July 8, 2013

How are you adapting? "Train Smarter, Not Harder"

One of my favorite sayings is: "Train Smarter, Not Harder".

What do I mean by this?


Watch any Bootcamp or Crossfit workout any you will see the participants pushing themselves harder than they ever thought possible.

They both use some great exercises. I love seeing people perform squats, lunges, push ups, pull ups,  etc.

The thing that concerns me the most about these types of workouts is the volume of work being used. Some people will thrive with these workouts for a while. The question is how long can the participants continue to push themselves before they either get burnt out on injured?

Watch the Crossfit games some time. Look to see how may of the participants are wearing Kinesio Tape.

If you have to wear Kinesio Tape in order to continue to train/work out you might want to change the way you are training.

Remember, it isn't how hard you can push yourself to get stronger, faster, in better condition: It is how your body adapts to the stress of training that matters.

"Train Smarter, Not Harder"

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