Monday, March 18, 2013

Do you belly breathe?

Are you looking for an easy way to improve your health with very little effort?

Consider changing the way you breathe.

For some reason we begin breathing more from our chest and less from our bellies as we age.

Just because we do this doesn't mean it is a great idea.

Some of the reasons listed in that article:
 1.   Chest breathing reduces blood oxygenation
  2.  Chest breathing causes lymphatic stagnation  
  3.  Thoracic breathing means hyperventilation and low oxygen levels in cells
 What is a better way to breathe?

Belly Breathing


This is a very powerful and very simple technique.  It teaches you slow breathing from the "diaphragm" or belly.  It relaxes you and directly reduces many of the symptoms of fatigue.

Plan to practice Belly Breathing once a day, starting with two minutes.  Then, gradually increase the time up to about 5 minutes.

Here's a good way to learn Belly Breathing:

Lie comfortably on your back, with a pillow under your head, your knees bent and your back flat.  You can stretch your legs out if that's more comfortable.  Place one hand on your belly.  Once you're comfortable, you can start the exercise.

Inhale while you slowly count to 4.  Expand your belly as much as you can – like a balloon.   You know you're doing "belly breathing" right when you can feel your belly expand.  Then, exhale to the slow count of 4, just letting all the air out of the balloon.  As you exhale, just feel yourself letting go of tension. 

Keep repeating the belly breathing to the slow count of 4.  When your mind wanders, just gently bring your attention back to the counting and belly breathing. 

After you have practiced this exercise for about a week, try doing your Belly Breathing when you are sitting.  Then, try it at different times during the day, even when you are standing.  Notice that it is very relaxing.

Once you have mastered your Belly Breathing, you can use it when you are exercising.  Also, during exercise, people tend to breathe from the chest instead of from the belly.  Breathing rapidly from the chest increases anxiety.  Breathing slowly from the belly lowers anxiety and reduces the stress we feel while exercising.

Focus on how to improve your health by changing the way you breathe.

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