Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Farmer's Walks (Loaded Carries) Part 3

I just had to add this pic.
In the two previous blog post I have covered the basics of Farmer's Walks or Loaded Carries.

Today I am going to cover how to add more variety to these exercises.

Uneven Farmer's Walks
One of the simplest ways to add more challenges is to carry different weights in each hand. The key to this is being able to keep the pelvis level while doing it.

It is recommended that the difference in the weights be no more than 15 pounds. So if you have 15 pounds in one hand, carry no more than 30 in the other.

Another way to add variety would be to only have a weight in one hand.
Notice how they un-level their pelvises/shoulders are? They should be using lighter weights.
With each of these examples, be sure to repeat the walks/carries with the weights in the opposite hand.

As mentioned in my previous blog post, to make it more challenging, the higher the weights, the tougher. Carry one weight overhead while carrying the other at hip height.

Once this gets easy, add a weight vest.
In this example the weights can be the same for both arms. Repeat with the arm positions being reversed.

The key to all these is to be sure to use good posture throughout the movement. If you can't hold your posture correctly, you are using too much weight. Master the movement before using more weight.

Next week I will talk about other ways to add variety to these carries.

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