Tuesday, November 20, 2012

What is your Fitness Mindset (ATTITUDE) ?

I talk to clients all the time about their mind sets.

Why do I feel that this is so important? Attitude isn't one the the keys to success. It is the only key. We tend to get out of life whatever we expect to get.


Changing your mindset

"In order to replace old habits though a change in your mindset, there are three steps you should follow: 1. First, begin by specifically identifying the results you want. 2. Then create and develop actions that will accomplish those results. 3. Lastly, examine your beliefs about those actions to determine if they are holding you back... So if you want to achieve your goals, create a mindset made of beliefs that support the truth you want in your future."

We have no choice in what family we are born into. One quote I like to jokingly make is; "Picking the right parents is the key to success in life." Yeah, good luck with that.

We do have the choice to accept whatever we are told about ourselves, or we can always question why we were taught to think a certain way. It is easy for me, because I love to question why someone is trying to make me think a certain way. What is their motivation? Why do they think that way.

Since Fitness is my passion, I feel that people should develop what I call the Fitness Mindset. This means realizing that you control your level of fitness by your actions.

1. No one else can determine how you move.
2. You have total control on what activities you work on every day.
3. You know what feels right and what feels wrong.
4. How you end up moving in ten or twenty years is dependent on what you do for the next ten or twenty years, not the next few days or weeks. Fitness is a life long pursuit.
5. Any change that is worth it takes effort. You have to be willing to do the work.
6. The change(s) are worth the effort.
7. It's not how fast you start, it's how great you finish. Enjoy the process.

How is your fitness mindset?


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