Tuesday, October 9, 2012

My favorite Lower Body Exercise: Bulgarian Squats

Many Trainers and Strength & Conditioning Coaches consider squats one of the primary movements our bodies are designed to perform. If you want to see a great squat, watch a 2 or 3 year old squat when picking something off the ground.  Anyone that has hired me knows I love to teach clients how to squat. It is my favorite bilateral (both legs being used at the same time and the same way) exercise. Every time someone stands up from a chair they are performing a type of squat. (The main reason I have beginners start squatting by repeating getting out of and sitting back into a chair)

Even though I consider squats a almost always must do exercise, there are many other great ways to strengthen our legs. Sometimes there are great reasons not to Squat. Certain back injuries make it hard to squat without back pain. (some back injuries will feel better by learning how to squat) Sometimes knees prefer other exercises. If squats bother your back and/or knees you should check how tight your hip flexors are.

What your hip flexors look like

standing psoas - hip flexor muscle  stretch, position 1.
How to stretch the right side

What exericse do I recommend you consider instead of squats?

My favorite is called the Bulgarian (or Rear Elevated Split) Squat. This is a great unilateral (one side dominate) exercise. It is a tough exercise that requires strength, balance and flexibility. Done properly your glutes and hamstrings will really feel it. Be sure to start with just your body weight before adding extra resistance.

Before attempting this exercise, I make sure my clients can handle stationary lunges. Once stationary lunges are no longer challenging enough, it is time to move on to Bulgarian Squats.

Focus on moving the hips/pelvis up down and up

 Nick at PerformanceU.com explains the Bulgarian Squat.


Just like Nick says, the tightness or lack their of in the hip flexors in the rear leg determine the height on the rear foot. Remember, if your hips aren't ready for Bulgarian Squats, try the stationary lunges first.

If you are ready for a challenging way to improve your leg strength, consider learning how to Squat like a Bulgarian.

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